Vine Street Cistern Steps

Growing Vine Street

Vine Street, from Denny Way to the Seattle waterfront, is a mix of commercial and high-rise residential development—which generate a lot of runoff. A series of cisterns, planters, channels and biofiltration basins now convey water down the hill, reducing pollutant loads in rainwater, reducing the downstream damage from runoff and restoring and creating new habitat, while offering the community some much needed green space. The program encourages sustainable development and incorporates fanciful amenities and art in the public rights-of-way.

The design and engineering team and artists worked with neighborhood groups to develop the design concept for the cistern steps. A high-rise condominium development on the corner of Western and Vine streets, was invited to participate and now funnels its rooftop stormwater into a cistern on Vine Street. Water collected from the downspouts are used for irrigation of landscaping planted along the sitting steps and sidewalk.

As the civil engineer, MIG | SvR provided hydraulic analysis, storm drainage and cistern design, site layout and construction management services.