San Antonio Area Planning
In 2016, the City of San Antonio, with a population of over 1.5 million residents and attracting more than 34 million visitors every year, adopted the MIG-led 25-year Comprehensive Plan—SA Tomorrow—to guide future growth and development in the City’s 30 distinct regional centers and community areas.
The City then needed more detailed subarea plans to implement the goals, objectives and policies of SA Tomorrow—grouped into five phases of six plans.
A series of analytically led and community-driven digital design charrettes in regional centers and communities explored a myriad of design concepts to address the needs of the businesses and residents in each of the subareas. The visualization tools varied from area-wide land use massing to experiential illustrations that explored the various types of recommendations.
The MIG team developed three phases (totaling 18) of the subarea plans to date.