Psychiatric Facility/Behavioral Health Center IS/MND
The Santa Clara Valley Medical Center wanted to construct and operate a new inpatient/outpatient building called the Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Facility/Behavioral Health Services Center (BHSC). The new building would replace and consolidate three existing mental health services buildings into one 77-bed facility, with an underground pedestrian tunnel connection to an existing tunnel system, a skybridge connection to the main Hospital Emergency Department, and a new 714-car parking structure. Building the structure entailed removing an existing two-story, 431-space parking structure, as well as a nearby vacant building.
MIG prepared the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) on a very aggressive schedule and, taking into account that the project is next to a cemetery, addressed potential project impacts on unknown, unmarked graves in detail (including a ground-penetrating radar study). Because the noise report identified potentially significant construction noise on nearby residential areas, MIG developed appropriate noise mitigation barriers for construction.