Perris Valley Big League Dreams

They Built It and Everyone Came!

The player rounds third…heads home…sliiiiides down the brickdust base path…heeeee’s…safe!

That’s a top notch field. It’s a 35-acre, $25 million sports park facility, a public/private partnership with Big League Dreams, and it can host well over a thousand people at a time. With real turf outfield, brickdust infield and flexible length base paths for a variety of league and division play. In fact, this ballfield hub design includes four replica fields: Dodger Stadium, Fenway Park, Anaheim Stadium, and Yankee Stadium that radiate around a 10,400 square foot Stadium Club full restaurant. And two AAA fields are patterned on Durham and Pawtucket minor league fields. Players can also use an eight-station batting cage for both baseball and slow pitch softball.

Soccer? Two 20,000 square foot open-air/indoor soccer pavilions with glass sideboards, synthetic turf, electronic scoreboards and concrete terraced, lighted spectator seating areas. A satellite concession building serves these arenas.

Kids? Shaded play areas for children not involved in organized sports play—designed for specific age groups with rubberized protective surfacing, climbing/sliding apparatus, walks and bridges and landscape planters.

Parking? Enough for 660 well-shaded cars and convenient drop off—with stormwater management through bioswales leading to a rock sump area under the car park.