National Avenue Master Plan
The opportunity was in plain sight. This busy 1.8-mile segment of National Avenue had a high density of uses with a shopping center, industrial, residential, schools, many vacant/underutilized parcels and an underused open space along Chollas Creek. The Master Plan now enhances neighborhood connectivity, with a land use mix to spur beneficial investment and community development. It designates areas of mixed commercial and residential uses in a neighborhood context, and other areas of moderate residential density. It includes bike lanes, pedestrian furnishings and landscaping, and a public plaza to activate open space. And it calls for potential conversion of light industrial uses to public parks and sports fields, a creek trail and community gardens. A mixed-use eastern gateway will offer access to institutional uses such as the library, parks, community center and Chollas Creek.
The project was funded by a Caltrans Transportation Planning Grant for Environmental Justice.