Hagg Lake and Scoggins Valley Park Recreation Vision and Concept Plan
Henry Hagg Lake, an artificial lake in northwest Oregon, was created when the US Bureau of Reclamation built Scoggins Dam, which it still owns and operates. As one of the only publicly accessible freshwater lakes in the area, Hagg Lake is an important regional recreation resource, as well as a water source.
The 2020 Hagg Lake and Scoggins Valley Park and Recreation Vision and Concept Plan was a multi-agency effort to provide recreation investment and programming to accompany critical seismic upgrades and expanded water supply storage. MIG’s community engagement approach focused on reaching park users on-site with intercept events. Over 1,000 users were involved, with special efforts to reach the area’s large Latino community.
Working with Stantec Engineering and later with Clean Water Services, the water resources management agency, MIG provided site assessment and inventory, visioning, recreation planning, and community engagement services to the Tualatin Basin Joint Project, which represents local and federal agencies that govern and manage the reservoir, drinking water supply and surrounding park land.
The site assessment and inventory of the existing reservoir included fieldwork, updating and supplementing the County’s GIS data, identifying the lake’s character areas, and documenting existing features likely to be inundated with added reservoir storage capacity.
A 20-year recreation vision and concept plan for a proposed second reservoir—on the other side of the existing dam—adds a new portfolio of activities including camping, boat ramp and launch, swimming beach, accessible fishing pier, nature play, large and small group gathering areas, fee booth, event pavilions, parking and restroom facilities.