![Denver Downtown](https://www.migcom.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Denver-Downtown-11.jpg)
![Denver Downtown](https://www.migcom.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Denver-Downtown-10.jpg)
![Denver Downtown](https://www.migcom.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Denver-Downtown-12.jpg)
![Denver Downtown](https://www.migcom.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Denver-Downtown-13.jpg)
![Denver Downtown Area Plan](https://www.migcom.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Denver-Downtown-1.jpg)
Denver Downtown Area and Neighborhood Plans
Downtown Denver serves as the transportation, business, entertainment, and cultural center for the rapidly growing City and County of Denver—and the nearly 3 million people working and living in the Denver metropolitan area.
Downtown Area Plan
The new Plan includes an updated vision, goals, revitalization strategies, land use plan and urban design guidelines to replace the 1986 Downtown Area Plan and help shape development for the next 20 years. The high-profile development process involved a 45-person steering committee, executive committees, and technical committees, as well as an interactive website and extensive visual preference survey. The community felt engaged in a meaningful, inclusive manner and now fully supports the Plan. (Downtown Denver Partnership)
Golden Triangle Neighborhood
The Subarea Plan for this Downtown district was based on a robust engagement strategy with a project steering committee, online polling and questionnaires, and a first-of-its-kind pop-up workshop called Triangle Transformations. The Plan includes recommendations and strategies for land use, housing, economic development, cultural resources, connectivity, streetscapes, public spaces and management. (City and County of Denver)
Downtown Area Plan Midpoint Reflections and Priorities.
At the 10-year midpoint of the Downtown Area Plan’s 20-year planning horizon, MIG facilitated a series of stakeholder interviews, focus groups and workshops to confirm the original plan vision and goals, research and document progress and accomplishments related to the priority strategies, and identify priority actions and strategies for the final 10 years of the plan. (Downtown Denver Partnership)
Upper Downtown Plan
Building on one of the priority actions identified in the Downtown Area Plan Midpoint Reflection and Priorities, this implementation-oriented plan repositions the traditional Central Business District to be competitive with other emerging mixed-use districts in and near downtown, as well as maintain its position as the major employment hub of the region. The Plan includes a vision specific to the District and “Five Big Moves” with a host of strategies for physical improvements, programmatic coordination and policy enhancements. The plan was guided by a robust stakeholder engagement process that focused on engaging a diverse audience, including residents of adjacent neighborhoods. (Downtown Denver Partnership)
Winner of a Merit Award from the International Downtown Association (IDA) for the Downtown Area Plan.
Winner of Engagement Excellence Award from the Colorado Chapter of the American Planning Association for the Golden Triangle Neighborhood Plan.