Pam Steele has extensive experience on “both sides of the counter” offering a full range of planning, environmental, and development consulting services to public agencies and private sector clients. Early in her 30-year career, she was a Building Department employee whose frequent interaction with planners shifted her path toward contributing to a project from beginning to end—from due diligence to entitlement and permit approval to occupancy. Having served as a Planning Director and as a development project manager, Pam’s strength lies in bringing people and perspectives together to create projects that provide public and private benefits. She has prepared and managed specific plans and amendments, community and master plans, and multi-layered environmental reviews and clearances for industrial, commercial, residential, and medical projects. Pam distills and articulates the needs of public agencies and private developers to foster collaboration and mutual understanding. In doing so, she helps them navigate the entire process to successfully achieve their common goals.
Pam is Director of the Riverside office.