Citrus College Educational and Facilities Master Plan
Established in 1915, Citrus College is the oldest community college in Los Angeles County. Today, it serves nearly 20,000 students annually. Its 2020–2030 Educational and Facilities Master Plan (EFMP) is guiding the long-term educational, student support services, technology and facilities needs of the college. MIG led development of all educational aspects of the EFMP; Westberg White then developed the facilities component.
The community-informed process included individual interviews with members of the Board of Trustees, an online questionnaire, and a series of workshops with college constituent groups and community stakeholders.
At the same time, in-depth research on population and demographics, business growth, employment projections, and other trends ensured EFMP development was also data-driven. Research also included enrollment growth projections and program trends analysis to explore how each discipline was projected to grow in the coming decade.
Findings from both the outreach and quantitative research came together during a planning charrette that engaged faculty, staff, students and community members in facilitated discussions focused on the long-term future of Citrus College.