Minnesota Zoo Elevated Trail
The Treetop Trail shows how a clever reuse project can elevate a visitor’s experience—literally! The Trail, at 1.25 miles long and 32 feet above the ground, is the world’s longest elevated pedestrian loop, offering visitors a loftily unique perspective on some of the zoo’s most popular animals.
MIG partnered with Snow Kreilich Architects as the design consultant to transform the zoo’s abandoned monorail structure into an interactive and engaging pedestrian walkway.
The Trail’s design includes touchdown points throughout the path, integrating existing structures into the entrance and exit areas and making the main plaza entries ADA accessible. The Trail is complemented by pergolas, wood benches, accessible on/off-ramps and strategically sited lookout points where visitors can view the animal exhibits from new heights.
A crucial element is the integration of both animal viewing below and placing Ambassador Animals—animals that can safely roam around the pathway with zoo visitors—throughout its length. Satellite holding buildings along the trail now allow the Zoo flexibility to house various animal species along the path.
After a decade of sitting in the park unused, this immersive walking loop now offers visitors unprecedented views of animal exhibits and surrounding landscapes, and immersion into the tree canopy.
Winner of a Commendation for Excellence in Design for Integration, by American Institute of Architects Minnesota.