San Lorenzo Creek Watershed Concept

A Creek Becomes a Community Resource
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The San Lorenzo Creek watershed drains about 50 square miles from the East Bay Hills into the San Francisco Bay. Eleven major creeks feed into it as it passes through a spectrum of environments, from pristine headwaters to agricultural lands to highly urbanized areas. And then FEMA de-accredited parts of the channels and the earthen levees near the bay, the dams were found to need seismic improvements and homes and businesses found themselves with expensive new flood insurance requirements.

We facilitated over 25 technical workshops to develop effective, sustainable and financially sound multi-benefit solutions for flood protection alternatives, corridor, dam and habitat enhancement projects and programs, increased recreational access, and economic development opportunities. The Concept Plan recognizes the potential of San Lorenzo Creek, provides a compelling vision for the corridor, identities critical human health and safety projects and provides guidance for the County and cities along the corridor. Projects are already being implemented.