Landfill Conservation Plan
Nestled in the eastern hills of the Coyote Valley is the Kirby Canyon Landfill, within the habitats of the California red-legged frog and the checkerspot butterfly, both federally listed threatened species. Through wetland restoration design and monitoring; native landscaping and restoring upland serpentine habitat for the frog, butterfly and rare plants; and revegetating the inhospitable serpentine soil that will be used as final cover on the landfill, the species are living in harmony with the landfill. The 3-decade program includes a habitat conservation plan, a revegetation plan designed to be automatically implemented throughout the 50-year life of the landfill, annual reports to USACE, and permitting with USACE and the Water Quality Control Board.
These projects earned Waste Management several awards from the Wildlife Habitat Council, including 2013 Corporate Habitat of the Year.