MIG Principals Daniel Iacofano and Mukul Malhotra show us that we can design streets where we can gather, celebrate, shop, play and grow food. And that our streets can be sustainable and even generate their own energy.
Streets Reconsidered takes streets to the next step, beyond travel lanes and bike lanes, sidewalks and crosswalks. Because back in the day, everyone was on the street, playing, socializing, hanging out and engaging in commerce. We want that again.
The book is 298 pages, chock full of design principles, case studies from around the world, best practices and 229 evocative photos, photo sims, plans and elevations, and luscious illustrations. It's visionary, yet, provides precise details and schematics that you can apply to your city's streets.
M. Katherine Kraft, Executive Director of America Walks says: “Streets Reconsidered provides detailed and specific interventions that can improve and accelerate multiple uses of community streets—and sparks the motivation to try them. This should be required reading for anyone interested in promoting safe, walkable and engaging communities."
And it’s also recommended by Gil Penalosa, Chair and Founder of 880 Cities; Elizabeth MacDonald, Professor and Chair of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning at the University of California, Berkeley; and Kathryn H. Anthony, CSA Distinguished Professor, School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
For more intriguing insights, read an excerpt from the first chapter of the book, "Streets Are for People".
And if you’d like your own copy, use the promo code MIG19 for a 20% discount through Routledge (with free shipping!).