National Survey For One Water

Online Survey's Surprisingly Affirmative Results

One Water is a transformative way of managing all water—from the tap, a stream, a storm or a wastewater system—in an integrated and holistic manner. And the US Water Alliance is committed to advancing this inclusive approach. But what do water professionals, academics, utilities/agencies, environmental advocates and agricultural/industrial water users think? How aware are they of the movement, what information do they need, what’s the make up of those who want lead One Water?

An online survey was the answer. Knowing how to use technology to pose a question is equally as important as the questions you ask. MIG provided guidance on the best survey platform, advised the Alliance on crafting questions and an outreach strategy, and trained them on how to analyze the results of the survey, designing a process that can be easily replicated for future surveys in the years to come.

It was the first nationwide survey that evaluated what’s working and what the barriers to success are in the One Water movement. The survey results were quite notable—400 respondants provided a glimpse of the diverse representation of the Alliance’s constituents, confirming a major and enthusiastic role for women and people of color in leading One Water in what is still a white, male-dominated industry. The clear and compelling infographics-based analysis of the survey results allowed the Alliance to develop a social media campaign to drive interest in the movement.

The responses set a baseline for the growth and increasing impact of the One Water movement and expanded the US Water Alliance’s connection to new agencies and individuals.